Artist Q/A (June 2024)

Malifora (Musician)

Q: Why'd you start making music?

A: I started making music because I wanted to hear certain things. That doesn’t mean that I wasn’t hearing things I liked necessarily, because I love so many artists, but I had very specific ideas about guitar sound that I wanted to explore. I wanted to see how far I could push it sonically. I’ve had some success in that I think, although even my own music hasn’t quite satisfied my thirst. But getting the process going has expanded my tool set quite a bit so I’m confident I’ll get there.


Q: How would you describe your music?

A: A simple description of my music is just super heavy ambient guitar. I could also describe it as a tribute to the band Sunn 0))) who basically got as close to the guitar sound I want as anyone. I could get a lot more artistic with my explanations. I have this view of music falling into two categories. On one hand you have songs and on the other you have a piece of music. Songs are more for jamming out to and pieces of music are more for appreciation like a painting. There’s lots of overlap and some artists have a real mix of both concepts. I would view my own work as pieces of music. They aren’t entertaining in the way that songs are. You kind of have to be in a certain headspace and open to a more contemplative listening experience to get something out of my discography. That might sound very pretentious, but it's really just a way for me to express that I’m not for everyone and I don’t really feel like trying to be. 


Q: What themes or emotions do you typically explore in your work?

A: I don’t really think about emotions with my music. Or at least I’m not trying to evoke a specific emotional response. It's more textural. Words that come to mind are radiance or darkness. It's much more about atmosphere and I’m open to all interpretations. I get into a certain headspace when I play. I don’t really think. I just follow what sounds good or what feels right. I never go into it trying to convey something; it's just playing off of a riff or note. 


Q: What album could you listen to every day?

A: Come On Pilgrim by Pixies


Q: Who you tryna collab with?

A: I’m really open to collaboration with anyone. As a musician you have dream collaborators. I had always wanted to work with Steve Albini but unfortunately his untimely and early passing prevents that. But it feels unearned to throw out names that have so many more years under their belt than me. Basically if anyone likes my music and wants to collaborate that's enough for me. If you get something out of what I make then we’ll probably have a lot in common. 


Q: Any advice for aspiring musicians or music execs?

A: My advice would be to make for yourself and for that to be enough. Because in all likelihood you won’t sell out stadiums. If you go into this looking for the approval of others or fame you’re setting yourself up for failure. If you really believe in your work and you make it because you feel like you really have to, I think people will find it. I think passion for passion's sake is its own path to success. 


Q: FMK. Kendrick Lamar, Ozzy Osbourne, and Condoleezza Rice

A: Fuck Condeleeza Rice, Marry Jimmy Buffett, Kill Kendrick Lamar (but with kindness)
