Artist Q/A (July 2024)
Danultri (Musician)
Q: Why'd you start making music?
A: My dad knew I loved music. he came to me one day w/ a Blue Composition notebook & told me to write something, anything. That I didn't have to share it w/ him or tell anyone but that i should do it. Haven't stopped since then. Before that I had danced, sang & even beatboxed but I don't think the idea of making my own stuff even crossed my mind, I just liked performing in choir and band and stuff. it'd be a while till I actually spoke anything written in that notebook aloud & over some instrumentation to make a full song. Not until I met Pedro (OGZZ) & Jake in that math class in HS.
Q: How would you describe your music to a stranger?
A: Like Genre/Medium? Rap. As for what its about? Uh, a lot hahah.
Q: Who's getting a diss track before you die?
A: Pretty much all rich people but 2 in particular: L.A. Reid for fucking over LeftEye from TLC, fostering the environment where R. Kelley could do that shit to Aaliyah, & generally being a huge crook pimping out artists. Dude deserves to burn at the stake for continuing the legacy of Motown in all the worst ways. Fuck a 360, that nigga had folks in 720 deals. And Jerry Jones for giving my father seasonal depression every fall since i've been born. Not a single bowl since '96 for the most profitable & popular sports franchise on the planet is insane. People in Mexico & overseas buy Cowboys merch, plus just look at that AT&T stadium, shit like a Roman Coliseum. They have their pick of the litter every draft too. Its no way u have the astronomical levels of money & consistent world-class talent on yalls team but still can't get a dub. That mummified geriatric fuck is for sure doing backroom deals & throwin games to pocket some extra paper. Its the only logical explanation. You see it on the players' faces too, especially the QB. They be mad as fuck when they're told to play like shit. Fans be like "Oh man, we didn't see this coming." Quit bullshittin yourself. Like really? They consistently get *almost* there & choke *every* time in a similar manner? This shit scripted. Jerry needs to be strangled & his whole family dropped in the middle of the Pacific Ocean w no raft or life preservers. Also just thought i'd mention i don't care about football or sports at all, i just don't want to my father to be sad anymore.
Q: What album could you listen to every day?
A: That's tough cause i get bored REAL easy. 1st thing i thought of was a Greatest HIts of the Isely Brothers, or Rapture by Anita Baker. Maybe some Aretha. Any oldschool Soul or Old R&B. Thats what i grew up on.
Q: Who you tryna collab with?
A: My kneejerk reaction was "Nigga NOBODY" but thats not entirely true. i don't do collabs just cause its fun or could get me poppin, the artist and song have to go together in my mind's eye. Not only fitting the vision of the song but bring something to it that i couldn't do, which is a lot of stuff, but i'm not interested in doing *everything*, ya know? like even if i like the guy the thing they show me i have to vibe w & when you dont some people take offense to that. it just makes me not wanna fuck w/ collabs altogether. And i dunno, i remember somebody sayin years ago they'd wanna hear MF DOOM & Chance The Rapper on a song. i like both those artists. that collab would sound like shit. Their styles wouldnt mesh well. No one who cooks for humans (instead of viral videos) says: "I like Peanut Butter. I also like Squid. I should make a dish with both!" but in music, they do. Maybe im just still one of those kids that doesn't want their peas & mashed potatoes to touch. i could go on, but TL;DR: JPEGMAFIA. or maybe Knocked Loose. Both in the far future.
Q: Any advice for aspiring musicians?
A: I know it sounds corny but just do your own thing & don't give up, either on experimenting w/ new sounds or the music in general. Its a statistical likelihood that you won't make it big but if YOU are happy w/ what you make then you can show your work w/ pride & it won't matter what other people say. You'll just tell 'em to eat a dick.
Q: FMK. Danny Brown, Kurt Kobain, Kamala Harris
A: Kill Kamala no question. Def Fuck Danny Brown, i know that dick is crazy. Kurt Kobain was a beautiful man w/ a beautiful soul so Marry him. Do the dead get resurrected via these scenario questions or does it take place in a hypothetical timeline where they never died? Or am I marrying a corpse? Some interesting moral quandaries there, but i'd kill almost everyone mentioned in these answers for a chance to marry him so idgaf.